Sub GetDataFromAccess()
'「Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects 2.8 Library」をチェック
Dim conn As Object
Dim rs As Object
Dim strConnection As String
Dim strSQL As String
' Create a new ADODB connection object
Set conn = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
' Create a new ADODB recordset object
Set rs = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
' Connection string with all necessary information
strConnection = "Driver={Oracle in OraClient11g_home1};" & _
"Dbq=YourDatabaseName;" & _
"Uid=YourUsername;" & _
' Open the connection
conn.Open strConnection
' SQL query to retrieve data
strSQL = "SELECT * FROM YourTableName"
' Open the recordset
rs.Open strSQL, conn, 3, 1
' Loop through the recordset and print the data to the immediate window
Do While Not rs.EOF
Debug.Print rs.Fields(0).Value
' Close the recordset and the connection
' Clean up
Set rs = Nothing
Set conn = Nothing
End Sub